
Below is a list of resources that we've found helpful in our own rope journey and may be useful to you!

Essentials and Safety

Rope material selection at Crash-Restraint. Essentially a chart, but helpful. Worth noting most people start with cotton because it's cheap but most people who really get into rope will (usually) end up switching to something else.

Awesome nerve resource. Recommended for all rope tops and bottoms get to know your nerves especially if doing suspension.

Kabe's rope references (FetLife Link) - For tops and bottoms! Lots of good info about nerve damage and locations as well.


Zed Ropework Youtube channel. Doesn't seem to be active still but has some good beginner tutorials on some harnesses and some others ties. You can use the "neck collar" tie to make handles!

Epic Rope Youtube channel. Awesome videos (with the exception of a few of the earlier ones). Has a lot of "Hishi" ties including one of our favorites - the Hishi Back Web. Most of the videos are considered intermediate, but mostly anyone should be able to follow along as the instructions are very good.

The Duchy - Awesome tutorials, and totally worth becoming a member. Tons of ties, advice, etc.

Crash Restraint is admittedly a bit confusing, but very useful site. Lots of ties, knots, advice, articles, etc.


The Duchy Suspension Series - You need to be a member for $5/month but it's very worth it. This is where I started to learn suspension and is the best step-by-step instructions for how to do suspension.

Crash Restraint (again) has lots of Suspension articles and videos. The Hard Point Evaluation page is a MUST read.

PungeonMaster's post about suspension safety (FetLife link) - I'm not an expert but have had good feedback on the info I've found and presented here.